UCNP-info on Mon, 09 Oct 2017 14:22:54 +0300
UCNP-info is the Site Administrator of the UCNP web site.
Contact information: admin@ucnp.info.
Home » About UCNPThe UCNP stands for United Computer Networking Professionals. The UCNP web site is meant for developing different kind of computer networking related open source and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products. Also other projects are possible. Please send email to the Site Administrator for more information.
The UCNP web site was initially released on 17 November 2009. On 18 October 2010, the domain name of the UCNP web site was changed from ucnp.web.runbox.net to the ucnp.info. On 19 October 2010, the secure connections https://www.ucnp.info/ were launched. The registration to the UCNP web site was made publicly available on 18 November 2010.
On 13 October 2014, the primary UCNP web site was closed. The important data from the site should have been removed. In future, the UCNP does not offer the following services anymore: Registration, Project Management, Content Management, Mailing Lists, File Repositories and Chat. Thank you for participating!
Copyright © 2009 onwards ucnp.info. All Rights Reserved.
Currently the active UCNP projects are the following:
These projects have been moved to the control of copyright holder(s):
If you want to open up an interesting project or take part to the existing project, please send email to the Site Administrator.
A Generic Password Storage System (GPWSS) can be build up for maintaining passwords. A GPWSS will be implemented as a generic Java application. SHA-512 will be used as a cryptographic hash function. AES-256-CBC will be used to encrypt / decrypt passwords. A Random Password Generator can be used to generate a password automatically. Passwords are handled via clipboard. Passwords will not be visible on display in cleartext format. It is possible to use external equipment like USB memory sticks or mobile phones to store the GPWSS Java application and maintained passwords. A GPWSS is based on the initial work done by mpan in 2009.
Copyright © 2009 onwards mpan et al. All Rights Reserved.
GPWSS-info is the Project Leader for the Generic Password Storage System (GPWSS).
Contact information: gpwss-info@ucnp.info.
The situation so far:
The GPWSS Project PlanNo special project plan is needed for the GPWSS project. The GPWSS product development is suitable for example students who want to practise their skills as a Java programmer. For this purpose The GPWSS Product Planning Document will be published under a proper Creative Commons (CC) license.
Products that are similar to the GPWSSPlease notice the following products that are similar to the GPWSS:
There are several other password management applications available. However simple and reliable ones are rare.
The GPWSS Product Planning DocumentPlease find The GPWSS Product Planning Document version 2.2.
Copyright © 2009 onwards mpan. All Rights Reserved. The content of the document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License except where otherwise noted. Please see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ for more information.
The SHA-512 message digest of the document is following:
0325c8e97eccf39552530aef77e59aa36d3430ca3e0ca0f72d7e7f7e21190cac d1f6185902c9fa6d8ae5a8bb3a1f49e0142c60afcddd6a46fc53ea7a2f97e233
If you have any comments or corrections to the document, please do not hesitate to contact the Project Leader of the GPWSS project.
If you create any piece of work based on the document, please do not hesitate to inform the Project Leader of the GPWSS project. The ucnp.info is willing to distribute your work including source codes, applications, plans etc.
Other published versions of the document are
Please find the genfipw.c - an example of Random Password Generator mentioned in The GPWSS Product Planning Document. In practice, a cryptographically secure Random Password Generator should be used instead.
The genfipw.c is copyright © by mpan in 1997 onwards. The genfipw version 2.0 is licensed under Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer license approved by Open Source Initiative (OSI). The SHA-512 message digest of the file is following:
70fbab50578dfa1d5b4537a5aeeedd4d0e648f1a394394e518df72d5d5f06490 6c7ff5ce3418251d562be6c8a687b79f5c5b20b2c4630b41d5373d488224a766
If you have any comments or corrections to the file, please do not hesitate to contact the Project Leader of the GPWSS project.
GPWSS-info on Mon, 06 Oct 2014 16:00:32 +0300
The Intrusion Prevention System as an Operator's service is economically and technically reasonable. The IPS Gateway Node (IPSGN) can be placed to the IPS Data Center to protect customers' public internet services like http, smtp, dns, ldap, ftp etc. The IPSGN is an ideal solution for the operators to implement intrusion prevention as a centralized service. The IPSGN is based on the initial work done by mpan in 2007.
Copyright © 2007 onwards mpan et al. All Rights Reserved.
A Secure Login Procedure with Encryption (SLPE) is used to protect a GNU/Linux workstation or a server from an unauthorized use. Dm-crypt device mapper will be used to encrypt all other disk partitions of the computer except /boot. The disk encryption will be implemented with an USB memory stick. During the booting up procedure the USB memory stick will be initialized before mounting the encrypted disk partitions. A computer's disk partitions' encryption / decryption keys are stored in the USB memory stick in an encrypted manner and protected with PIN codes. It is possible to change the PIN codes without affecting the disk encryption of the computer. Without the USB memory stick the computer will not boot up normally. For the maintenance purposes, it is possible to give a computer's disk partitions' encryption / decryption keys manually in a single user mode and in a recovery mode. For these cases, a computer's disk partitions' encryption / decryption keys must be stored in a safe place like in a fire safety cabinet. A SLPE is based on the initial work done by mpan in 2006-2007.
Copyright © 2007 onwards mpan et al. All Rights Reserved.
In this article, the UCNP signifies the UCNP, the UCNP web site and the Site Administrator of the UCNP web site. The owner of the ucnp.info domain is the Site Administrator of the UCNP web site.
We respect your privacy. You must respect our privacy. Every information you give to join UCNP is kept confidential. The UCNP will not give your personal information to the third parties without your permission. You must not give information about UCNP users to the third parties without said UCNP users' permission.
The UCNP reserves right to change this privacy statement without extra notice. Please see this article for the updated privacy statement.
Copyright © 24.9.2010, 23.10.2010, 18.11.2010, 6.10.2014 ucnp.info. All Rights Reserved.
In this article, the UCNP signifies the UCNP, the UCNP web site and the Site Administrator of the UCNP web site. The owner of the ucnp.info domain is the Site Administrator of the UCNP web site.
A request must be sent to join UCNP. The UCNP reserves right to accept and/or reject the request. Please send email to the Site Administrator for more information. Information given in a request is kept confidential, please see Privacy Policy.
Copyright to the UCNP projects' pieces of works is hold by their author(s). Every UCNP project has a management team which decides which kind of licensing policy is chosen for the said UCNP product. As default every member of the UCNP project belongs to the UCNP project's management team. However the UCNP project's Project Leader has the right to change this default practise. The UCNP project's Project Leader chooses the members of the said UCNP project and allocates the tasks. The UCNP project's Project Leader has the right to dismiss the member from the project.
The UCNP users must obey international and national law, good manners and the UCNP terms of use. Every UCNP user is a legal entity of his/her own. The UCNP is not responsible for UCNP users' actions and behaviour.
The UCNP reserves the right to dismiss the user from the UCNP if the said user violates international or national law, good manners or the UCNP terms of use.
If the user wants to resign from the UCNP, a notice to the Site Administrator of the UCNP web site must be sent.
The UCNP reserves right to change these terms of use without extra notice. Please see this article for the updated terms of use.
Copyright © 24.9.2010, 23.10.2010, 18.11.2010, 6.10.2014 ucnp.info. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 23.2.2025